Leighton DaCosta, Photographic Artist
“Creating an Artistic Approach to Commercial, Portraits, and Wedding Photography.”
“Photography not only allows me to discover my subjects, but allows me to continuously rediscover myself”
“I love creating and telling the stories of the lives and personalities of my subjects. More than just clients, they often become friends, even if for that fraction of second that goes “Click””
Feel free to follow me on Instagram
Leighton D.
legacy hunter. Story Teller. traveler. Photographer.
Hello, I'm Leighton and I have traveled all over the world to photograph and help people tell the stories of their legacy.
Let me introduce myself.
Happiest moment: Taking the Oath of Commissioning on board the USS Wisconsin
Next vacation spot after isolation: Mexico
Favorite late night snack: Chocolate Covered Coconut Clusters
Future goal within photography: Author
Favorite place to eat: MOJO’s Donuts!
Photographer most inspired by: Annie Leibovitz
Photographic subject most inspired by: Frederick Douglass
Number 1 lesson learned in photography: Preparation
Favorite moment in Photography: Photographing a swimsuit line in Aruba
Favorite Band: Bob Marley and the Wailers
Favorite time of the day: Blue Hour
Superpower: Problem Solver, Landing airplanes, Cheesecake making.
Maybe my love to travel started early after my family moved to Brooklyn, NY from Kingston, Jamaica searching for a better life. Since then I have lived in or visited 8 countries and 43 states. I currently focus on serving the San Diego, California and Tampa Bay, Florida areas.
If you want to know more about me, follow my blog. Better yet, I want to find out more about YOU. Let’s meet, let’s talk, let’s become friends!
I am a proud past/present member of the following organizations which promote, encourage, and educate photographers in providing higher quality and a better service experience.
PPA - Professional Photographers of America
WPPI - Wedding & Portrait Photographers International
GRCC - The GREATER Riverview Chamber of Commerce.