The Blog of Leighton DaCosta, Photographer — Leighton DaCosta | Photographer

2023 Revisited | Leighton DaCosta, San Diego Photographer

2023 Revisited | Leighton DaCosta, San Diego Photographer

Happy 123123 Day and Happy New Year 2024!


Phee Visits Charleston! | Leighton DaCosta, Charleston Lifestyle Photographer

Phee Visits Charleston! | Leighton DaCosta, Charleston Lifestyle Photographer

…After a little small talk, and learning about her love for fashion and that she designed her own outfits, I gave her one of my cards and suggested that if she ever had an extended stay in Charleston, that she should give me a call.


2018 - A Photographic Recap | Leighton DaCosta, Charleston Photographer


2018 was a very unique and special year and I’m so glad to get the opportunity to share a little bit of it with you. First let me say thank you to all of you who continuously follow my blog and those who allow me to photograph them, year after year. It is a privilege and an honor to continuously serve you.

Throughout the year I was relatively “local,” but found my way in four states and two countries. Who would have thought I would have needed to travel all the way to Jamaica to meet Jack Canfield? Alicia and Andrew, thanks for the great opportunity in 2018, I look forward to even greater things in 2019 and beyond.

Constantly learning, this year added increased portability and creativity with the utilization of colored gels and speedlights.

Please enjoy a brief review of some of this year’s moments.



International Women's Day Pioneers: Black Women in Photography | Leighton DaCosta, Charleston Lifestyle Photographer

International Women's Day Pioneers: Black Women in Photography | Leighton DaCosta, Charleston Lifestyle Photographer

“Sometimes the camera is something you could hide behind in dealing with difficult situations and through the camera you can express yourself and how you feel. Difficulties strengthen the mind just as labor does the body.” ~Elizabeth "Tex" Williams


Memorial Day 2016 | Leighton DaCosta. Atlanta Lifestyle Photographer

Memorial Day 2016 | Leighton DaCosta. Atlanta Lifestyle Photographer
It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. ~Abraham Lincoln. 


The Power of the Print #1 | Leighton DaCosta. Atlanta Portrait Photographer

The Power of the Print #1 | Leighton DaCosta. Atlanta Portrait Photographer

Books and photos are reflections of our memories and thoughts that we can enjoy while we are alive, but are also able to leave for future generations to enjoy when we are gone. 


A Treasured Sunset

Sunset in Treasure Beach, Jamaica

Sunset in Treasure Beach, Jamaica

On a recent trip to Jamaica, I captured this beautiful sunset. There is something calming about a sunset. I have always felt that sunrises equal hope, and sunsets equal peace. I have always loved the peacefulness that comes with sunsets that not only take your breath way, but make you pause, and enjoy. 


