Did you remember to set your clocks? — Leighton DaCosta | Photographer

Did you remember to set your clocks?

I'm not going to get in the debate of whether or not we should even HAVE a daylight savings time. Frankly, I can't remember if the begins daylight savings, or if it ends this weekend. I think it's one of those backwards things... heck I'm still worried about Hurricane Season. Just wanted to give a friendly reminder to those who woke up an hour "early" this morning... 

Leighton D.

Hello, I'm Leighton. A Jamaican born, Southern Raised, and Navy disciplined portrait artist, educator, and entrepreneur. I enjoy traveling, flying, pizza, sushi, and steak, medium-rare.  I enjoy helping people tell their stories or learn something new. If you want to know more about me, follow my blog. Better yet, I want to find out more about YOU. So let's talk!
