Happy 2014 — Leighton DaCosta | Photographer

Happy 2014

Fireworks display in Dubai right before the world record setting Palm Jumeirah fireworks show. 

Fireworks display in Dubai right before the world record setting Palm Jumeirah fireworks show. 

Oh wow! Seems like 2013 went by on such a blur and boom, we're here in 2014. This is the time for many of us to not only reflect, but to look forward. What are YOU looking forward to? This is the time that many of us set aside to make New Year's Year's resolutions; while others just decide to go with the flow.


One of the benefits of having a New Year's resolution is that it gives you an outlook and goal to move toward in life. Whether it is to lose weight, save money, or even to be just a little nicer to your fellow man. I've come up with a few resolutions of my own. Let me share them with you.

1. To blog more. When I mean to blog more, I really mean that I want to share more with you. Let you know more what's going on in my day-to-day life more than just photography. I would love to share all of my travel adventures and dining events with you. I will share some pictures with you also, don't worry about that. As a matter of fact I am not even typing this blog. I'm actually using Google Voice on my phone. So I apologize in advance for any typos.

2. To experience life. Just this past New Year's Eve I realize I got caught up in being a photographer. I was so amazed at catching the fireworks display, that I forgot to kiss my own beloved wife at the stroke of midnight. I had to take a breath, put the camera down, and rush over to her and lay my lips on her. How many times do we do that ourselves? We get so caught up in doing what we are "supposed" to do instead of doing we need to do. This year I want to live life more instead of just existing. I plan on traveling more and I want to experience those moments that we can't plan, but will remember for the rest of our lives. Which brings me to my third resolution.

3. To be more of a tourist. When I say be more of a tourist, I mean that I want to experience those things that only tourists experience. No matter where we live there is something unique about that place. I want to rediscover my home. So this year, I will make the attempt to be a tourist in every city I go to include my hometown. I will set aside at least a half day to just walk around and see the sites that I may have just walked by for the past 20 years and have never noticed.

What are three things that you're looking forward to changing or doing this year in 2014?

Leighton D.

Hello, I'm Leighton. A Jamaican born, Southern Raised, and Navy disciplined portrait artist, educator, and entrepreneur. I enjoy traveling, flying, pizza, sushi, and steak, medium-rare.  I enjoy helping people tell their stories or learn something new. If you want to know more about me, follow my blog. Better yet, I want to find out more about YOU. So let's talk!
