Hollywood Wedding Photographer — The Blog of Leighton DaCosta, Photographer — Leighton DaCosta | Photographer

Hollywood Wedding Photographer

January 6th 2015, Jessica + Maigan

After so many years together, finally able to say "I do."

After so many years together, finally able to say "I do."

When I got up this morning, I really had another blog scheduled for today. Normally I never place the date in the title, unless there is a significant reason. Today is a very special and significant day in Florida history. For the first time, statewide, same sex couples are allowed to legally get married. I have many friends who have had commitment ceremonies, but now they are able to be protected by the laws and rights that were never available before. 

Normally, I go down to a local courthouse once a week, to offer complimentary services to random couples, as a way of "giving back." People get married at the courthouse or other municipal center for different reasons. They could be financial, simplicity, speed, or maybe even a shotgun to the head. The courthouse wedding has always provided an effective remedy. My hope is that those counties in Florida who have chosen to NO LONGER PERFORM WEDDINGS at the courthouse for both same sex and heterosexual couples will re consider for the benefit of the public. But I digress... I believe that everyone should have great wedding photos. It is YOUR day. THIS will always be your anniversary, and as such, you should have something great to remember it by. 

While I was in the parking lot waiting to go in, I happened to see a group of people walking out and two beautiful young ladies just GLOWING! There I met Jessica and Maigan. I explained to the newlyweds, what it was that I was doing, and they were all too happy to participate.  

Jessica and Maigan with close loved ones on their wedding day!

Jessica and Maigan with close loved ones on their wedding day!

I hope you enjoy these photos of Jessica and Maigan. To see more of these images and other sessions, visit the Client Photos section and go to 'Sidewalk Sessions.' Thank you!

