Love — The Blog of Leighton DaCosta, Photographer — Leighton DaCosta | Photographer


Model Session in Jamaica with Roseann

Model: Roseann LawrenceHair and Makeup: Roseann LawrenceStyling: Leighton DaCostaPhotographer: Leighton DaCosta

Model: Roseann Lawrence
Hair and Makeup: Roseann Lawrence
Styling: Leighton DaCosta
Photographer: Leighton DaCosta

What can I say? There are times when being a photographer allows you to work with people all around the world, who make even a bad day, feel like you are living a life better than you deserve! The last time I had been to the Caribbean island of Jamaica was right around 1990, when going to boarding school at Knox Preparatory School in Spaldings, Clarendon. Over two decades elapsed, before I would step foot on the island again. IT WAS WORTH THE WAIT!


Model: Roseann LawrenceHair and Makeup: Roseann LawrenceStyling: Leighton DaCostaPhotographer: Leighton DaCosta

Model: Roseann Lawrence
Hair and Makeup: Roseann Lawrence
Styling: Leighton DaCosta
Photographer: Leighton DaCosta

The second of two sessions captured on the southern coast of Jamaica, in an area known as Treasure Beach, is in the quiet parish of Saint Elizabeth, about a 2 hour drive from Montego Bay, and over 3 hours from Kingston, the capitol city. 

A 3 hour ride that Jamaican model, Roseann Lawrence (Instagram), made with her friend Roxy in order to do a session with me. I am truly honored and humbled to work with such an excellent model and person. I also want to take the time to thank her friend Roxy, who was a great sport and asset to the session while working as a lighting assistant for me. 

Model: Roseann LawrenceHair and Makeup: Roseann LawrenceStyling: Leighton DaCostaPhotographer: Leighton DaCosta

Model: Roseann Lawrence
Hair and Makeup: Roseann Lawrence
Styling: Leighton DaCosta
Photographer: Leighton DaCosta

The swimsuit bottom is from Roseann's own collection with the accessories coming from Esmena Florist & Things, located in Southfield, Saint Elizabeth, Jamaica. 


Besides getting to shoot at a great location, right on the beach, this session provided me the opportunity to do a little styling of my own. The shirt came from the Miramar, Florida based clothing boutique, Starcrush Boutique. (Instagram

A little behind the scenes and technical information. I have no issues with models bringing escorts, but I do have one rule. Everyone on the set, MUST be ready to work! Roxy was no slacker, a fast learner, and allowed me to take my light off of the stand to allow for more dynamic lighting. 

In her hand is DIFF60 soft box with a Nikon SB-800 inside set to 1/8th-1/4th power. Allowing for an ISO level between 640 and 1250, at f/7.1

Roxy pose while Roseann gets ready for her session. 

Roxy pose while Roseann gets ready for her session. 

The two lenses used for this session was the Nikon 180mm f/2.8D (black and white images) and the Nikon 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro (pictured right).

All images captured with the Nikon Df.

Roxy while working as a lighting assistant

Roxy while working as a lighting assistant


Happy Valentine's Day

First Valentine's Day together 2005

First Valentine's Day together 2005

I just wanted to say Happy Valentine's to everyone one out there. This is a special time of year that we set aside to tell those around us that they are special to us. Just like many other holidays involving love, the celebration of the day does not mean that we don't love those close to us on the other days, it just means that its nice to have a reminder to let them know that we love them. 

Many folks will take this time to propose as well, and to those, congrats! 

Our First Valentine's Day together 2005

Our First Valentine's Day together 2005

I know the photos on this post may not look the "best" but these mean so much to me. This was the first Valentine's together spent with my wife, 9 years ago. We spent an awesome weekend in the cabins in Williamsburg, Virginia. I share these with you, because to me, THIS is what photography is about. Remembering moments in our lives forever.

It's great to have crystal clear shots with perfect lighting, but it is more important to have the SHOT period. The best camera is the one you have with you. I hope we take more time to live life and capture the memories. 

I would love to know what is your best Valentine's day memory? 

