Photographer — The Blog of Leighton DaCosta, Photographer — Leighton DaCosta | Photographer


PHOTOGRAPHERS: When Did We Become So Lazy?

PHOTOGRAPHERS: When Did We Become So Lazy?

Right now we have the most access to information and knowledge than ever before. If I want to know about the inverse square law, I can look at my phone and say "Ok Google, explain inverse square law to me" and BOOM, thousands of links come up. If I want to know about guide numbers, BOOM, Google strikes again and tells me. Not only can I know more, it costs LESS to even start in the game, because we have the best technology available than ever before, with an extremely low barrier to entry. 


Congrats on Your Engagement...NOW What?

Congrats on Your Engagement...NOW What?

One week into 2014, and you may have probably have already noticed the monsoon of ring shots on your social media feeds. If not, you might be the one who is posting, and if so, CONGRATULATIONS!!!


Model Monday: Angelica Scurry

Model Monday: Angelica Scurry

Angelica Scurry has been selected to be one of Dozen Ent Magazine’s “Queen of Heart Dolls”, which is one of the major features in the magazine. 


Self Portrait: Messing around with new toys.

Well not exactly new, I have had a Sony NEX 6 for a while now. I am and have been seriously contemplating moving to a mirrorless camera setup because of all the new opportunities of portability that they bring. Think of the Rangefinder cameras of the 60s and 70s, even to the point, that in some White Houses, that was the only thing that you could use because of the noise. I think these new cameras give greater access with quality that is now surpassing film in many ways.  

A few days ago though, I saw a function that said Smart Remote, and I thought, "huh." Well turns out it was a function via the PlayMemories function that allowed me to use the remote setting on my camera, and even focus from the iPad (or smartphone). I used two Rotolights, one for main/hair and the other for fill. I am very impressed with the results. If you have any questions about the setup, feel free to comment.   



Self portrait using a Sony NEX6, iPad Mini, 2 Rotolights and a microfiber backdrop.  
