The Blog of Leighton DaCosta, Photographer — Leighton DaCosta | Photographer

Celebrating Good Times: Jacksonville Downtown Cigar Lounge

Welcome to the Downtown Cigar Lounge11 Ocean StJacksonville, FL

Welcome to the Downtown Cigar Lounge
11 Ocean St
Jacksonville, FL

For those in Jacksonville who haven't been to Downtown Jacksonville in a while, and love a great cigar, then you may not know of the Downtown Cigar Lounge (DCL), located at 11 Ocean St; around the corner from the Florida Theater, right off Bay St.

On Saturday, February 21st, the DCL had a dual celebration. Celebrating the one year anniversary is a very important feat in any business, but especially one in Downtown Jacksonville, as the Urban Core strives to recreate itself to a new future. 

I discovered the DCL around November when I was staying at the Hyatt Riverfront in Jacksonville. I asked a friend of mine, about a good lounge in Jax, and she mentioned about a new lounge nearby. I was instantly impressed. The look and feel, the intimacy, the "grown up" feeling of the establishment, instantly swept me away. 

There is a good mixture, of laughs, conversation, smoke, music, art, and dancing that fills the place, even on the slowest nights. Bringing back the feelings of a neighborhood watering hole, mixed with a 1930's feel. This ambiance provided a great backdrop for Saturday night's theme, 'Gatsby and Gangsters'

This themed also worked with the second celebration going on that night, Simone's 40th Birthday party. The celebration went well in the night with great food and laughs in the member's area. 

For more images from the evening's event, visit




I just got a little more social!

See my most recent Tweets and 'Grams right from the Director's Cut page!

See my most recent Tweets and 'Grams right from the Director's Cut page!

For those of you who use Instagram or Twitter, and are like me, you probably follow hundreds of folks. I know I follow these folks, because I really want to see what they have to say and show. Unfortunately because of busy schedules, and multiple postings, I sometimes miss some REALLY great tweets and grams. I bet you are probably like me, so guess what?

On the Director's Cut page, you will see my own personal direct feeds from Twitter and Instagram! And if you are not already following me, feel free and add me. I would love to see what inspires you as well! 

Hope you enjoy!




Happy Valentine's Day

First Valentine's Day together 2005

First Valentine's Day together 2005

I just wanted to say Happy Valentine's to everyone one out there. This is a special time of year that we set aside to tell those around us that they are special to us. Just like many other holidays involving love, the celebration of the day does not mean that we don't love those close to us on the other days, it just means that its nice to have a reminder to let them know that we love them. 

Many folks will take this time to propose as well, and to those, congrats! 

Our First Valentine's Day together 2005

Our First Valentine's Day together 2005

I know the photos on this post may not look the "best" but these mean so much to me. This was the first Valentine's together spent with my wife, 9 years ago. We spent an awesome weekend in the cabins in Williamsburg, Virginia. I share these with you, because to me, THIS is what photography is about. Remembering moments in our lives forever.

It's great to have crystal clear shots with perfect lighting, but it is more important to have the SHOT period. The best camera is the one you have with you. I hope we take more time to live life and capture the memories. 

I would love to know what is your best Valentine's day memory? 



The Awesome Hyatt Regency Dubai!

The Hyatt Regency Dubai surprised us with a honeymoon/anniversary card, and my wife surprised me with a set of monogrammed cuff links. 

The Hyatt Regency Dubai surprised us with a honeymoon/anniversary card, and my wife surprised me with a set of monogrammed cuff links. 

For those who travel for a living, it can be really rewarding seeing different places and meeting new people. Sometimes though, duty requires you to be away from home during some of the most important times of your life. This year for me, I had to miss my anniversary and Christmas, which is always the risk, because they are only 3 days apart. My Christmas present though, was finding out that week that I would have to go to Dubai on business over the New Year's holiday. 

This is one of the busiest times of the year in Dubai, and because of the travel arrangements, I would find myself being there for about 3 or 4 nights. So I surprised my wife with a ticket to come join me for New Years as a "late" anniversary gift. Having been together for almost 10 years, we had yet to do a REAL NYE party. Only some house parties or time at home, but doing a roof top party was always on the bucket list. As a matter of fact, we really wanted to be celebrating NYE in San Diego atop the Andaz' rooftop. As luck would have it, we still ended up being on top of a roof watching the world record for fireworks being broken. But I digress...

Here is the focus of this blog. When we travel together, EVERY trip is a honeymoon for us. We enjoy celebrating our time together and I always want it to be special. So usually, hotel brands like Hyatt, have a box that you can check on your reservations that says "Honeymoon Couple." (I do wish they had an anniversary block though.) Often the hotels may give you a nicer room, like at the corner, or higher, or even a suite upgrade as a congratulatory token of appreciation. Well The Hyatt Regency Dubai went above and beyond this time. 

After spending all day out and about, we came back to the hotel and went to the Regency lounge for some refreshment. When we arrived back in our room, on the table was a BEAUTIFUL cake with a sign made of white chocolate! We were absolutely floored. The cake was so good, and as you see, my wife presented me with a set of cuff links with the initials "LDP" on them representing "LDPhotography." That woman spoils me. She also presented me with a case for my cuff links, inscribed: My Friend, My Lover, My Knight. 

My Friend
My Lover
My Knight
— Tiffany DaCosta

I love dealing with brands that go the extra mile to make you feel appreciated. What is something great a company has done for you unexpectedly? 


Simple Saturdays: The simple things: PIZZA!!!!

PIZZA!!!! Hold it, Fold it, EAT IT!!!!

So shoot me! I just finally watched the Fight Club after all these years, and while I WONT talk about Fight Club, I will talk about something that has really been near and dear to me. Being Simple. Life is so complex these days, that sometimes we forget how good it is to be simple. That bike ride around the block. Sleeping in until 10am on a Saturday. Going on a Friday night with the family to just get a few cones of ice cream. The simple things. 


Well those who know me knows that there is one food that I LOVE almost all the time. That is PIZZA!!!! The perfect simple food. I mean, it has all the food groups, and unlike a cheeseburger, you still look super cool eating a huge slice of pizza...not so much with a 4 pound burger... lol. UNLESS its a Hardee's/Carl's Jr. commercial. lol

Being overseas, you often get great food from some of the top chefs in the world. And not to sound like Jon Stewart of the Daily Show, but frankly, I am partial to NY/NJ Pizza.... it's all about the fold in my opinion. If you have to eat it with a fork, then to me it isn't "REAL" Pizza. So how happy was I when Thursday, while being on travel, I stopped by a little pizza shop and they had 18" PIES!!!!!! As well as PIZZA BY THE SLICE! 2 Pepperoni Slices PLEASE! (Tip, when in NYC, don't say a slice of pizza, people will look at you funny, and it's redundant. Just say a Slice). Those two slices made my whole week! 



